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Mybo Clean Eyelid Cleansing Brush
Conditions and Directions for Use

Use only on eyelids. Do not apply directly to the eye. Remove contact lenses if worn.
Wash Mybo Clean brush prior to first use with warm soapy water.

Use the Mybo Clean Eyelid Cleansing Brush for:

  •     removal of bacterial buildup and scruf along eyelashes

  •     and eyelid margin

  •     soothing and cleansing if you have blepharitis, 

  •     Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, styes, or inflammation

  •     pre and post eye surgery (follow your doctor's advice)

  •     makeup removal on eyelashes and eyelids

Each Mybo Clean Eyelid Cleansing Brush can be 
used for 3 months from initial use, then discarded. 


Hold the Mybo Clean brush flange between index finger and thumb. Apply one pump of Mybo Clean Hydrating Lids and Lash Cleansing Gel on the bristles. Close your eye and place the curved portion of the bristles towards your inner eye corner covering your eyelashes.
Gently begin a side to side motion extending from the inner corner to the outer corner of your eyelashes for approximately 10-30 seconds. Rinse your eye with warm water when done.
Rinse the brush and re-apply one pump of Mybo Clean Hydrating Lids and Lash Cleansing Gel before repeating on the other eye.

When finished, rinse with warm soapy water and store in a dry place. Use once daily for best results.


Mybo Clean Hydrating Lids and Lash Cleansing Gel
Conditions and Directions for Use

Conditions and Directions for Use:

For external use only. Wash hands and remove contact lenses if worn.


Apply one full pump of gel onto the Myboclean Eyelid Cleansing Brush or finger tip.

Close eye and gently lather in a side to side motion on eyelashes. 
Do not touch eye directly.
Rinse with water after use.

Repeat for other eye.


Interested in placing an order or learning more? Simply contact us today.





230 East Day Road, Suite 100, Mishawaka, IN 46545


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