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Elite Providers in Eye Care
Dry eye is fast becoming the major cause of eye discomfort in the 21st century. Nearly 16 million Americans suffer with burning, scratchy, red eyes. These symptoms can then lead to sensitivity to light, fluctuations in vision, and in severe cases scarring to the corneal surface.
There are many causes for dry eye: screen time - ranging from excessive screen time on computers, smartphones or tablets; vitamin deficiency, autoimmune diseases, the natural aging process, pollution, lifestyle, and most importantly an imbalance in the homeostasis of the natural tear film.
Dr. Neal Guymon on the efficiency of the Mybo Clean System
Click HERE for the full video.
At Danelli Ocular Creations LLC, we take pride in everything we produce. Although the eye care industry has changed immensely over the years, there are some things that remain a constant with us - our attention to detail, the quality of our products and the care we have for our patients.
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Leading Dry Eye Expert Dr. Paul Karpecki introducing the Mybo Clean System
Co-founder and optometrist Dr. Kevin Danahey introduces the Mybo Clean System
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